
Monday, December 10, 2018

Muriwhenua slides

this week room 3 has been working on muriwhenua slides, which tell people about the six far north tribes that make up muriwhenua.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Camp 2018


On Tuesday room 3 and 4 prepared to go to camp, we all got into our van groups and were farewelled by the rest of the school. After the grueling 2 hour journey, we had made it to camp. But before we could do anything we had to listen to a safety briefing and set up our tents with our tent groups, in my tent group there was bayden and Lennox. After setting up our tents we got ready to go raft building. Once we were all ready we walked to a ute and got in the back to get to the pond where we would build and race our rafts. Both teams rafts were triangular in shape and had tire tubes on the bottom. My team won with a time of 1 minute 41 seconds. After dinner and dessert, we did night games. The one we did was called the werewolf. In the game you have to figure out who the werewolves are so you can kill them. After night games we all went to bed. In the morning the first rotation I had was the mud run with brody, Lesley, mia, and Tupac. We went with Nora who used to be a sniper in the German army. The mud run was great, I felt like I was swimming. my yellow shorts turned green we were completely covered in mud, luckily straight after the mud run we had kayaking so the mud got washed off me. The camp was so much fun, I wish we could go again.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Disaster on the moon

                                                  Disaster On The Moon.           
We touched down. We had just landed on the moon and contacted NASA to tell them we had landed. Fully prepared our mission was underway and we weren't going home unless we had a new energy source   

 Jordan's team had to be the best out there, Mac his right-hand man and his best friend who was smart, cheeky and thought himself to be the funniest person alive and he probably was. Then there was Michael, Mac's Brother who was the opposite of Mac he was always dead serious and never understood a joke, Mac and Michael both were lean and strong, Michael had a jagged scar across his face and mac had a massive mustache. last but not least there was Sandra she was the brains of the group she was the smartest person you will ever meet. Them there's me I have around about the same build as Mac and Michael but I'M a little bit taller, I'm the leader of the group so it's my responsibility to look after them and I will.

Their mission was simple dig for a new source of energy on the moon and once found bring it back to earth. They were using a huge machine with a giant saw blade on it to cut through the rock what's the worst that could happen to guess what the worst happened! The saw malfunctioned and the blade came off and sliced through the machine and went straight through Michael. “Watch out” shouted Mac but it was too late Michael was gone.

Mac sobbed and sobbed until he could sob no more, then he was angry at everything the machinery, the government, and even the world. But after three days of sadness, he came to his senses and we had a funeral on the moon, Michael would be forever known as the first person to die on the moon and hopefully the last. When we came back to the saw it was gone! Along with every other piece of equipment we had! We couldn't believe our eyes. Instead of working that day we had a day off, the first day off in the history of the moon. Our day off was great but it was time to get back to work but first, we have to find our equipment, all of it. The trail of machinery marks lead us to a dark cave full of our equipment but it was guarded by Aliens! They started shooting at us one blast from there guns hit Sandra she fell o  to the ground badly injured but breathing, so we keep on fighting until all the aliens fell down dead. Quickly We grabbed all our equipment and ran just in case more aliens came. We rushed Sandra to our makeshift hospital but it was too late she was gone as well.

Mac and I decided to call off the mission and go back to earth too many people had died to continue with the mission, it was over we were going in the home.


Human Cloning should be banned

              Human cloning should be banned

Cloning is when you remove the nucleus of an egg and replace it with a donor cell, which means the newborn animal is an exact copy of another animal genetically. There can be genetic copies in nature such as twins. But scientists also artificially clone animals and are working on a project to clone humans, here are some reasons why human cloning should be illegal.

Cloning doesn't always work for example the Spanish ibex went extinct in 2000 after the last one was killed by a falling tree. But another was cloned in 2009 but died shortly after birth due to a lung defect. The same thing could happen to humans and then even more of us would die than before, maybe even leading to our extinction.

Dolly, the sheep was the first sheep to be cloned and had premature arthritis that was probably past down from the donor cell, so that would mean we would have to find someone in perfect health with no problems internally or externally

Also, cloning removes individuality, leaving every clone the same person with no different personalities. Do you want everyone to be exactly the same, no different specialties, do you want a world like that?

Cloning just isn't right we shouldn't mess with nature any more than we already have so that I believe human cloning should be banned.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


This week in class we have been working on our speeches, here's my speech. 

The gender pay gap
Hi, my names Connor and today I'm talking to you about the gender pay gap. Let's face it the gender pay gap is a big problem in New Zealand, and it stops women and men alike from working to their full potential.

The gender pay gap is the difference between men and women's pay in the same or different jobs. Most female workers in New Zealand work in jobs that are more than 80% female, these jobs tend to be lower paid than their male counterparts. Some women are undervalued and ignored in the workplace. For example, a woman working in the business sector works 6 hours a day 5 days a week and she earns $570 a week, a man working in the same job with the same hours and days would earn $623.58 just because he's a male. As of 1 September 2017 stats NZ announced that the gender pay gap was 9.2% that's a pretty big drop from 1998 when it was an incredible 16.3%, but during the last few years it has come to a halt probably due to the fact that people have been trying to fix other things like poverty and homelessness. Men earn $3000 more than women each quarter that's an astonishing $12000 each year, in my opinion, that's absolutely ridiculous.

But it's not just women who are affected by the gender pay gap men are as well some men may be expected to work longer hours than women because they are stronger than women or that they can handle more than women but that's wrong. Knowing that women might not get paid as much as their male co-workers might discourage them from working to the best of their ability. Having a different pay to one of your co-workers can be down to many reasons, such as him/her having a higher education or a better degree, or the occupation being harder than another or more important than another.
With this information, I hope we can all work for a better future. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Flash Fiction

Rose cocked her gun and aimed at the Ambassador. “Man I hope this works,” she thought. “I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail.”  Putt! She missed. Luckily it's silenced, so no one heard it. She reloaded her gun with shaking hands and aimed again. Putt! She missed again. But this time she hit a gas pipeline, running along the walls. Boom! An explosion knocked Rose off her feet, sending her into unconsciousness.

Why didn't I just become a doctor or a singer? At least they don't have to shoot people for a living, Oh that's right, she couldn't become a doctor because she hadn't finished her studies. And she couldn't become a singer, because, even though she loved singing and that was her dream job, her voice was coarse. Or so her teacher had said, Rose thought. Rose had some trouble getting to the musical theatre since she couldn't read French. The streets were dimly lit. Rose had been nervous and tense the whole drive. The moment she was asked to open her guitar case, which was hiding her sniper, she almost told them it was in there. As the man opened it, she looked around for any cops. There were none. Maybe she could make a run for it. Lucky she didn't need to. It was disguised as a guitar. She was allowed in. She quickly went to her spot, a bridge above the stage covered by the lights. 

Rose struggled into an upright position to rest. Before she could figure out what was happening, guards came rushing in, along with the French ambassador, who was holding the broken remains of his chain medallion. The attempt to assassinate the French ambassador had failed. There was no way she could get out of this.

By Connor

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Persuading people to reduce waste

In class, we have been learning about how to reduce plastic waste. We have looked at some of the ways we can protect the planet and stop plastic pollution. I have created an infographic to show what we need to do to help the ocean.